U.S. Bishops Approve New Mass Translation

Bishop Donald Trautman,
Committee on Liturgy Chairman
(AP Photo/Reed Saxon)

LOS ANGELES - The nation's Roman Catholic bishops overwhelmingly approved a new English translation for Mass that would change key prayers spoken for decades by millions of American parishioners.

Before Mass changes at the parish level, the American version must go to offices in the Holy See for final approval, a process a bishop leader said could take years.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops voted 173-29 at its biannual meeting Thursday for a new translation after a debate over several small changes in wording.

The vote on the Order of the Mass was aimed at satisfying Vatican calls for a translation that's closer to the Latin version.

Bishop Donald Trautman, chairman of the conference's Committee on Liturgy, said the vote marked the biggest changes since the Second Vatican Council, when the Latin Mass was replaced by the vernacular languages in each country.

"It's a new liturgical moment," Trautman said. "It is the first major item to call for change to the Mass text and it will affect the worship life of every Catholic in the United States and beyond."

The new translation alters the wording of key texts spoken by Catholics during worship, including the Nicene Creed, the Gloria, the Penitential Rite, the Sanctus and Communion.



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