Planned Parenthood and chastity

August 9, 2006

On August 4, Planned Parenthood posted an article on its web site titled Protecting Teen Access. In the article, PP argued against restricting over-the-counter availability of Plan B, so-called emergency contraception, to girls over the age of 18. PP wants young teens to also be able to freely buy this product that kills babies by preventing implantation.

What really was intriguing was the end of the article where PP stated: “Denying teen’s access to the tools that prevent unintended pregnancy is not an effective way to keep kids chaste.”


Planned Parenthood is saying that it wants to keep kids chaste? Wow. This would be revolutionary.

In 1922, in her book, The Pivot of Civilization, Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, wrote: "To preach a negative and colorless ideal of chastity to young men and women is to neglect the primary duty of awakening their intelligence, their responsibility, their self-reliance and independence.”

In 1986, then Planned Parenthood Federation of America president, Faye Wattleton, told the Los Angeles Times, "Planned Parenthood will not be an organization promoting celibacy or chastity."

The immediate question that occurred to us was, “What does Planned Parenthood mean by the word “chaste?”

Now, on Planned Parenthood’s web site for teens, it has a handy feature whereby teens can type in a word and get its definition. So we went there and typed in the word “chaste.” Guess what? The response we got was “Your search for “chaste” found no matches.” SO we typed in the word “chastity” and we got the same response.

So, Planned Parenthood doesn’t even define chastity for our children. It just doesn’t think it’s important.

My friend Patricia Bainbridge is a longtime fighter against Planned Parenthood. She worked with Doug Scott at Life Decisions International and currently heads a diocesan respect life effort. Patricia comments in her talks that “chastity” is a dirty word at Planned Parenthood. She even suggests that when a Planned Parenthood executive stubs her toe, the expletive she screams out is “CHASTITY!”

So we don’t know how this word “chaste” wound up in the Planned Parenthood article. But we did do a search of various definitions of the word on the web and they all agree on the following definition of “chaste.”

Chaste: Morally pure in thought or conduct; decent and modest; Not having experienced sexual intercourse; virginal; Abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse; Abstaining from all sexual intercourse; celibate.

It is clear that if our teens want to remain “morally pure,” the first thing they need to do is stay as far away from Planned Parenthood as possible.


  1. When I saw the title of this blogpost on the aggregator I said "Hm...those aren't two concepts that belong in the same sentence".

    PP and chastity. That's a laugh.


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