Tiller employees in court over stinkbomb suit

Representatives of Women’s Health Care Services, the infamous late-term abortion mill owned and operated by George Tiller, were in small claims court on Tuesday where they are being sued for using a “stink bomb” to sicken and intimidate sidewalk counselors outside the clinic’s gate.

WHCS administrator JoAn Armentrout appeared on behalf of WHCS and was accompanied by security guard John Rayburn.

Pro-lifer Mark Gietzen, director of the Kansas Coalition for Life and a driver of Operation Rescue’s Truth Truck, is seeking $4,000 in damages after an incident last September when Rayburn placed a “stink bomb” on the parking lot side of a cedar plank fence directly next to where pro-life supporters usually stand. Gietzen has stated that the “stink bomb” emitted a powerful stench that sickened him and other volunteers, and was used to drive off the pro-lifers after sidewalk counselors had dissuaded a woman from following through with an abortion the previous day. Symptoms from the chemical attack included headache and nausea. MORE


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